Board of Zoning Appeals
Term: 3 years Meeting: Monthly as needed, 3rd Thursday; 6pm
The Board of Zoning Appeals is a quasi-judicial board charged with considering requests regarding changes and exceptions to the City's established zoning ordinance. The Board is comprised of seven volunteer members appointed by City Council to three year terms.
The BZA holds the following powers:• Considering requests for variances from a specific requirement of the City’s zoning ordinance• Hearing appeals of petitioners seeking review of a decision made by the Zoning and Codes Administrator • Reviews and approves/disapproves requests for special exceptions. (Special exceptions are uses allowed in specified zoning districts upon determination by the BZA that the proposed location is appropriate. The BZA may impose additional conditions on the special exception if necessary.)
More detailed information regarding the Board of Zoning Appeals may be found in Chapter 19, Article XIII of the City’s Code of Ordinances.
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