The City of Clemson Municipal Court strives to provide a fair and just resolution to all citizens who have been charged with misdemeanors within our jurisdiction.
The Court is responsible for the adjudication and disposition of misdemeanor traffic, criminal, city ordinance, and parking violations issued within the city limits.
Municipal Court Hours:
Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday: 8am to 5pm
Wednesday: 8am to 6pm
Friday: 8am to 3pm
If you’ll be visiting the Court, please take note:
• ALL visitors entering the courtroom will be processed through the metal detector.
• Strict NO bag policy!
• Officers are not responsible for items left outside the courtroom.
• No Weapons of any type are allowed in the courtroom.
• Cell phone use strictly prohibited in the courtroom.
• Proper Dress is required. No short shorts, No tank tops, and No hats are allowed in the courtroom.
• No food or beverage allowed in the courtroom.
• Children allowed in the courtroom as long as they are not disruptive during the proceedings.
City of Clemson Municipal Codes >>