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The City’s Stormwater department is charged with monitoring and managing stormwater drainage and runoff within the City of Clemson to ensure that we comply with regulations put in place by SCDHEC and the EPA and prevent pollution in our ecosystem.

Stormwater runoff is rainfall that drains from rooftops, driveways, sidewalks, parking lots, roads, compacted soil, gravel, and other surfaces that prohibit rainwater from entering the groundwater. This runoff flows into the City’s drainage system then into local streams/creeks and eventually into Lake Hartwell. All residences/commercial property in the city contribute stormwater runoff to the drainage system and, in some cases, to recurring drainage problems. These drainage problems may lead to flooding or contribute to pollutants in the drainage system and then Lake Hartwell.

The City of Clemson has been a MS4 (Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System) since 2016 and serves to address and manage six control measures, designated by the Environmental Protection Agency. These Minimum Control Measures (MCMs) ensure watershed protection and maintain water quality health in urbanized areas.

The MCMs are:
1. Public Education and Outreach
2. Construction Site Erosion Control
3. Public Participation and Involvement
4. Post Construction Stormwater Management
5. Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination 6. Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping

Operators of large, medium, and regulated small MS4s are required to obtain NPDES permit coverage in order to discharge pollutants into Waters of the State. These designations (large, medium, and small) are based on urbanized areas as determined by the latest census.

If you have further questions about MCMs or the City of Clemson MS4 program, please contact stormwater manager Ethan Barnette at or 864-653-2071.

Permitting Documents

Contact Us

Ethan Barnette, Stormwater Manager
300 Cochran Road
Clemson, SC 29631
(864) 653-2071

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