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Urban and Park Land Management

Community Garden


Come Grow With Us

The Clemson Community Garden was established in 2006 and is one of the oldest municipally-run community gardens in the area. The Garden is located behind the Clemson United Methodist Church adjacent to Clemson Park. There are 22 plots, each plot measuring 10 feet by 40 feet. Plots can be rented annually for $150. Urban Land Management provides site management and maintenance, water, irrigation drip tubing, fittings and repairs, soil amendments, access to tool sheds, and all equipment within. We also offer plot tilling twice per year. Annual renewal takes place every February. Renters have the option to renew for another year or give up their plot to the next person on the waiting list.

Rental Agreement & Guidelines

Clemson Community Garden Guidelines and Rental Agreement

1. An annual rental fee of $150.00 is required per plot. To renew a Garden plot rental, the $150.00 fee is due by March 21st 2023. If the fee is not received by this date, then the plot will be open to new Renters. Renters currently in the program can change plots, if available, at renewal time. A request must be submitted to the City of Clemson Horticulturist by email and will be handled on a first come first served bases.

2. All Renters must provide current contact information to participate in the program. If contact information changes it is the Renter’s responsibility to notify the City of Clemson Horticulturist.

3. Each Plot shall be 10 feet wide by 40 feet long.

4. All fences shall be no more than 10 feet wide to allow for maintenance between Plots. All fences shall be built rigid and sturdy with no sagging into maintenance areas. Fence material shall blend into the environment so no orange safety fences or netting allowed.

5. Fertilizers, insecticides, and weed repellents will be used as follows:

i. Fertilizers – Please use organic when possible

ii. No herbicides may be applied by renters/gardeners. All herbicides will be applied by a licensed City of Clemson employee. Spraying requests may be submitted to the City of Clemson Horticulturist.

iii. Fire Ant control method and chemical must be approved by the City Horticulturist. Each Renter shall be responsible for application and keeping the chemical confined within their Plot.

6. Annual flowers such as marigolds, alyssum, candy tuft, salvia, dill, lemon balm, and parsley are suggested for planting for beneficial insects. No invasive species are allowed. Please check with the City Horticulturist for full list of acceptable species.

7. All common areas including the edges of Garden plots are maintained by the City of Clemson. No land disturbance or altercation is allowed by Renters outside of their plot.

8. To help suppress the spread of weeds Renters are required to actively work in their rented plot and keep it clean year round. If at any time the rented plot becomes unkempt or overgrown; a two-week notice will be given to clean up the plot. (See Rule 23)

9. Do not use leaf compost, mulch or other debris to suppress weeds around the garden plots, especially outside garden fences. This practice does not leave enough room for the lawn mower to maintain between plots. The provided leaf compost is only to be used for soil amendment within the 10’ X 40’ plot.

10. Tall crops shall not be planted where they shade neighboring garden plots.

11. During drought conditions, water shall be conserved and the renter should abide by any City and state water restrictions.

12. Only drip irrigation, soaker hoses and watering cans may be used to water plants. Use of sprinklers, spray nozzles on garden hoses or any other method of overhead watering is not permitted. (Due to recent disregard for this rule, garden hoses are subject to be confiscated by City Staff. (also see rule 23)

13. Excessive and negligent water use will not be tolerated. Water shall be monitored by the Renter and shall only be left on for a reasonable time to water plants. Under no circumstances should water be left on overnight. If water from the Renter’s plot is flooding common areas and neighboring plots, the plot Renter shall take steps to reduce their water use habits and adjust the grade or layout within their plot to reduce runoff. (See rule 23)

14. Water leaks shall be reported the City Horticulturist. Only City Staff is authorized to conduct repairs to the irrigation system outside of the plots. Renters may request repairs to their drip tube by phone or email.

15. At the end of each gardening season, each Garden plot must be cleaned out. This includes removing all weeds and expired plants. The drip irrigation, cages, stakes, etc. and labeling it with the plot number. Exceptions will only be made for Renters planting fall and winter gardens.

16. The City of Clemson Horticulturist shall be notified if a rented plot must be abandoned for any reason. Abandoned plots shall be cleaned out within a two-week period to make way for the new Renter.

17. Do not enter another Renter’s plot or pick vegetables without permission from the plot Renter. This includes the City Garden Plot (for permission contact the City of Clemson Horticulturist).

18. Pets are not allowed inside the garden area indicated by signs. No exceptions.

19. Automobiles are not allowed on or around the garden site. All vehicles must be parked on paved surfaces. The entrance road is for City of Clemson vehicles only.

20. Storage facilities are available for Garden Renter’s use only. The lock combination should not be given to non-renters. Facilities shall be locked when Renters are not on site.

21. All tools, carts and wheelbarrows shall be returned to the garden shed after use.

22. Only organic material from Clemson Community Garden plots is allowed in the compost bin area. All other material shall be disposed of by the Renter.

23. To ensure that persons on the waiting list have an opportunity to participate in the Garden program only one plot may be rented per household.

24. Neither the City of Clemson nor the landowners are responsible for the actions of the Garden Renters.

25. If these guidelines are not followed, the City of Clemson reserves the right to discontinue this agreement at any time without refund. First offenders will be issued a warning by email. Second offences will result in removal from the Garden Program. In some cases, photos will be included to support these actions.

Any questions or needs with the garden should be directed to the City of Clemson Horticulturist at 624-1120, Ext. 16003 or should be emailed to Chris White or Tony Tidwell at

I therefore agree to hold harmless the City of Clemson and the landowners for any liability, damage, loss or claim that occurs in connection with the use of the garden by the lessee or guest/s.

Lessee Signature: _________________________________ Date: _________________

Address: __________________________________________________________________

Email address: _____________________________________________________________

Phone #:_____________________________

City Signature: ___________________________________ Date: _________________


Tony Tidwell

Director of Urban and Park Land Management



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