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Jacob Peabody, Zoning and Codes Administrator

Hunnicutt Lindsay, Code Enforcement Officer

1250 Tiger Boulevard 
Suite 4
Clemson, SC 29631
(864) 653-2050

The Zoning and Codes Administration Division is charged with the administration of the City Zoning Ordinance along with various other city codes related to land development and/or property maintenance. The Zoning and Codes Administration is also responsible for maintaining the E-911 addressing records to ensure that all properties have a unique street address to allow emergency responders and the general public to quickly identify the correct location. 

Zoning Ordinances

The Zoning Ordinance regulates land use and was established to implement the land use element of the comprehensive plan. It provides minimum standards for building setbacks, parking, landscaping, and other related land use issues. The Zoning and Codes Administrator is responsible for the day-to-day administration and enforcement of the Zoning Ordinance.

Zoning Text Amendments

The language of the Zoning Ordinance cannot be changed except by formal amendment by City Council. Persons interested in seeking a change must make a request to the Planning Commission or to City Council for consideration of a change. If either body feels a change may be acceptable, the Planning Division staff will be instructed to prepare a draft amendment for review by the Planning Commission. All amendments require a recommendation from the Planning Commission as to whether it should be adopted. City Council must then hold a public hearing and consider the measure through two readings of the ordinance.

Zoning Map

The Official Zoning Map establishes the boundaries for the various zoning districts located in the City of Clemson. In order to determine the applicable zoning districts for a particular piece of property, please refer to this map. For the most up to date information, contact the Zoning and Codes Administrator.

Amendments to the Zoning Map/Rezoning

The Zoning Map is a legal part of the Zoning Ordinance and can only be amended by City Council. Any change to the Zoning Map requires a recommendation from the Planning Commission to City Council. You need to complete the Planning Commission Zoning Amendment Application to be placed on the Planning Commission agenda for discussion. If the Commission recommends the amendment, it will be brought before Council, who must then hold a public hearing before approving the amendment through two readings of the ordinance (Article VIII).

What is My Property Zoned?

If you own property in the City of Clemson and are in Anderson County, your property is zoned "R-20, Single-Household Residential."

If you own property in Pickens County, follow these instructions to determine what your property is zoned:

Step 1. Visit the Pickens County Tax Assessor’s website and click on "Real Property Search."

Step 2. If searching by address, go to Location Address and enter number and street name. Do not include street extension such as Avenue, Circle, Trail, etc.

Step 3. Under the Summary you will see the category Zoning. This is the Zoning designation for your property.

Step 4. Double check to make sure your zone matches the zoning designation on the Official City of Clemson Zoning Map.

*The Official City of Clemson Zoning Map shows the official zoning. Where the map and Pickens County records differ, always refer to the Official City of Clemson Zoning Map. If you have any questions, contact the Planning and Codes office at (864) 653-2050.

Sign Regulations

Division 3 of the City Zoning Ordinance contains the City Sign Regulations. Sign permits are required prior to the installation of business identification signs, wall mount signs, and certain other types of signage. Permit applications should be submitted with a site plan and signage details, including sign rendering.

Flood DAmage Ordinance

The Flood Damage Ordinance regulates areas within the City that are in designated flood zones. These regulations are federally mandated and subject to the oversight of FEMA. The ordinance covers new construction or alteration to existing structures in these flood zones as shown on the Federal Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM) provided by FEMA. Participation in this program is mandatory so that the City and its residents are protected by flood insurance. Structures built in one of the flood zones must be at least one foot above the base elevation established by FIRM. A survey with elevations will be required as part of the permitting process.

Home Occupation Applications

A home occupation (19-302) is a business or hobby conducted by the residents of a home subject to the limitations and conditions outlined in the City Zoning Ordinance. An application for home occupation must be submitted and approved before a business license will be issued.

Planned Development District Request

A Planned Development (PD) district is established by a similar process to the Rezoning amendment process outlined above. In the case of a PD, the applicant is seeking to establish a mixed use zoning designation unique to a specific piece of property, so additional public meetings and detailed plans/submittals are required. A pre-application meeting is mandatory for a PD and can be scheduled by contacting one of the Planning Division staff.

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