Resident and nonresident businesses are required to obtain a business license before doing business within the City limits. The annual business license tax is based on gross income that was collected inside the City of Clemson during the previous year or the projected gross for the remainder of the year for the initial license.
Contractors without a physical business location in the City of Clemson have the option to obtain a "Per Job License" for projects they will be working on in the City and paying upgrades to that license for subsequent jobs in the same license year. For those who work frequently in the City of Clemson and would like to keep an active license year to year, an annual license is also available.
Visit to begin your online application. We will email you an invoice which can then be paid online. (Have an invoice already? Pay it here.)
Click here to download an application, which can be emailed to our office.
The State Standardized Business License Application can be used across the state for businesses that work in multiple jurisdictions.